Federal Elections Commission
The Federal Elections Commission (FEC) is The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance laws. It requires reporting enforces limits and maintains information on federal elections campaigns (US House of Representatives, US Senate, President of the United States), political action committees (PAC) and contributors. It has a large library of resources, including information on every campaign or PAC contribution made and whom from and what campaigns have raised or spent money on.
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) administers the Ohio State Insurance Fund aka the Workers’ Compensation Fund. Their website has information for workers, employers and doctors, including forms, information on claims and how to get coverage, and more. We recommend all of our clients obtain an account so they can help us monitor their claims.
Ohio Secretary of State
Among other duties, the Ohio Secretary of State is Ohio’s Chief Elections officer. Their job is to run the electoral system of Ohio including monitoring and regulating voter registration, campaign finance, and elections results. They maintain a large library of forms for voters to register to vote, change addresses, or request an absentee ballot. Also a large library of resources and forms for political candidates and campaigns to get on the ballot, report their fundraising and expenditures, and track the many legal deadlines of an election cycle.
Industrial Commission of Ohio
The Industrial Commission (IC) of Ohio is the agency that decides disputes in Ohio Workers’ Compensation Claims. It’s website is www.ic.ohio.gov and includes information on hearings, forms, and the adjudication process on Ohio Workers’ Compensation Claims
Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a website with information on their various benefits, and even information, if you sign up, on what you’ve paid into the system and what your Disability or Retirements would be, should you apply.